
I’ve been on my own the majority of my life. I’ve experienced heartache after heartache, let down after let down and I was tired and felt like I needed saving and more importantly I needed someone to care. Someone once told me the Hope House is a rest stop for the tired and hurt; I truly believe that. I’ve never had people help me than I have here. I found God Here. I found friendship here and most importantly I found unconditional love here and support from every single staff member I’ve come in contact with. I went from having nothing to being with my son every day, learning how to be the best mother I can be and I’ve been excepted into the LPN program. A staff member taught me how to drive, which has always been a fear of mine. I don’t have a mother and never have had a mother, but every woman here has taught me not only how to be a mother but how it feels to be mothered; because of them and my faith in God I am truly the woman I have always wanted to be. Hope House will forever be in my heart and always be known to me as my saving grace.

First hearing about Hope House was scary because it was called a “homeless shelter”. The name homeless shelter kept me away from coming here for longer than it should have. It is so much more than that. I’ve seen a lot of women who feel hopeless when they get here and then they slowly turn it around. I get to take charge in my life and it’s an opportunity to turn my life around. – Rhonda